Bantering The Blueshirts Tonight At 8!

Bantering The Blueshirts is going to go live tonight at 8P! Make sure you join us in the chat room (link here) at 8P for what’s always a really good time!

Tonight we’re going to be joined by Hockey Stat Miner since Mike is under the weather.

Another note: We’re going to start up a Patreon for the podcast/website. This is totally voluntary and we want this to be a non-pressure situation. The three of us were a little uncomfortable with setting one up in the first place, but we do want to make some improvements to the show (better equipment and such) and this will help. The website/podcast are also a very big endeavor and free time sucker so it would be nice to put some money in our pockets, too.

Like we said, totally voluntary, but if you have a few extra bucks laying around we would appreciate it, and there are some fun and silly benefits that come with donating.

We’re not live yet. Will probably launch next week or so, but wanted to put it on your radar.

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