2011 NHL Draft Open Thread: Day One

Draft Day is upon us, the New York Rangers will step up to the podium later on this evening with the 15th pick in their hand. Armia? Biggs? Someone you've never heard of? One things for sure: When it comes to the Rangers, nothing is certain.

Here is your open thread to use during the Draft. Let's make sure every pick in the first round gets posted here in the thread, for anyone following along on a phone.

We'll have a Day Two thread tomorrow morning, and then tomorrow at 7 PM EST, a Draft Recap edition of Blueshirt Banter Radio, Jess Rubenstein from The Prospect Park will join us to talk about all the Rangers picks, and all things draft.

Have at it kids. I'll be in here with you as soon as I get home from work. Coverage is on Versus, or for those of you in Canada, TSN.

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