A Day in the Life of Garth Snow

Garth Snow, the General Manager of the New York Islanders, has a very difficult job. His team has had terrible luck with injuries all season long and they are currently about one step away from holding open try-outs for goaltenders. Rick DiPietro, or 'DP' as he is referred to by the 12 New York Islanders fans in existence, managed to get his face crushed by the left fist of Brent Johnson and is out with a knee injury and facial fractures. Kevin Poulin was injured during warm-ups and we all know about Evgeni Nabokov's hang-up heard 'round the hockey world (and subsequent suspension). The Islanders' solution to the goalie crisis was acquiring former New York Ranger first round pick Al Montoya from the Phoenix Coyotes in exchange for a sixth round pick. Join me for a Friday afternoon cartoon special after the jump...

All of this began to make me wonder, what is a day in the life like Garth Snow like? I think it might go something like this:

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