A little perspective on the 2012 NHL lockout

A little personal perspective on the current lockout.

This past Saturday was an important day for myself and my family. On Saturday we celebrated the marriage of one of my best friends and her new husband. It was a beautiful ceremony and tons of fun.

It also happened to be the first day that I didn't think about the NHL lockout (not even for a second) since the summer. It wasn't until Sunday night, when I got ready to write Monday's story, that the lockout entered my head.

And you know what? It was really nice not to think about. This past year has been crazy for me personally. I got a new job last January, got promoted just a few weeks ago, have been in training for my new promotion, moved to a new house, continued to grow Blueshirt Banter (thanks to the fine staff here and all of you readers) along with my girlfriend and her sister throwing Thanksgiving (and all the work that needed to go into the new house to get it ready).

Why am I telling you about all of that? Because hockey has been an escape for me when things get crazy. It's easier to go through a tough day of work when you know the Rangers are playing in a couple of hours. It's easy to sit and watch the games, forget about life for a few hours, and just enjoy some hockey. And don't get me wrong, I can't wait for to have those moments again, I really can't.

But Saturday taught me something. The world keeps spinning, it never stops. Life doesn't stop moving forward, even if you stop dead in your tracks. Maybe I already knew that, but it was nice to have it reinforced. As much as Gary Bettman and Donald Fehr would like to have you think the world stops when hockey does, it doesn't. Other sports are going on, life keeps moving forward. Maybe both sides don't realize it yet, but they're not the only sport in this world.Some people will move on eventually, even if I can't see myself being one of them. But even though I'll never leave hockey, life isn't about sitting around waiting for it to come back, either.

On Saturday I watched two friends join their lives together and become one. Life is about those moments. Life is about the moments you can look back on and smile. Life is about living. So yes, I'm still frustrated and upset about the NHL lockout. But there's more important things than hockey. Like Saturday night. Life moves on, even if the NHL isn't moving anywhere.

So to Val and John, thanks for everything. If everyone were half as happy as the two of you are, the world would be a much better place.

I would wish you both all the best, but I know I don't have to.

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