Arbitration Schedule Released for Hayes, Kreider, McIlrath & Miller

The NHL schedule for players slated for salary arbitration has been released. For the New York Rangers, they have four restricted free agents who filed.

Dylan McIlrath: July 21, 2016

Chris Kreider: July 22, 2016

Kevin Hayes: July 27, 2016

J.T. Miller: August 2, 2016

The team has until these respective dates to negotiate an extension with these players. Once arbitration starts, teams can still amicably re-sign the player, but it’s generally unideal.

Should an arbitration case actually go the full route, it would be the first time since August 2009 (Nik Zherdev) that the Rangers had an arbitration ruling to either accept or walk away.

Since the Rangers had multiple RFAs file for arbitration, there will indeed be a secondary buyout window. It will open three days after the final one of the foursome has been contractually settled, and last for two days. This could theoretically mean that window opening in August should Miller go the full course.

I looked at some historical comparables to get a ballpark idea of what an arbitrator might award Hayes, Kreider and Miller on one-year deals:

Kreider - $3,600,000

Miller - $2,633,333

Hayes - $2,316,667

Realistically, there’s a greater chances the Rangers will hash out an extension with all four players before arbitration hearings occur, if history is any indicator.

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