Blueshirt Banter: Help Wanted

Hi all

Now that the season has started, we've evaluated our roles here on Blueshirt Banter. Laurie is going to continue to Blueshirt_medium
bring us the great stories from overseas that she has been bringing us, Rob will continue to be our main analyst, breaking down the X's and O's, Ryan is going to bring you his "Manic" thoughts in a weekly column, and Joe and I will continue to bring you the news, recaps, and columns of our own, as well as hosting Blueshirt Banter Radio.

What we've decided is that we would like to add one of you to our team. What we are looking for is someone that can help with getting up the news stories during the day, participate in some of the open game threads, and write some of the game recaps.

If you are interested, shoot me an email at, I'll fill you in on the details, and after we see who is interested, we will pick whoever we think will be the best addition to the team.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


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