Blueshirt Banter 101

Blueshirt_mediumBlueshirt Banter has recently undergone yet another influx of new members, so we want to take a few minutes and run our "Blueshirt Banter 101" class. So grab your pencils, you will want to take notes.

Here are some of the features of Blueshirt Banter, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Photos: In many of our stories, you will see pictures that are provided courtesy of the Associated Press, the big boys. If you click on that photo, you will be brought to a gallery of related photos.

Fan Posts: Got something on your mind? A topic you want to discuss? Have at it, post your very own Ranger or NHL related story here, and if we like it, we just might move it to the front page! Just keep it PG-13.

Fan Shots: Got a Rangers or NHL picture or video you want to share? Post it up in the Fan Shots for all of us to get a look at. Same rule as Fan Posts, keep them PG-13.

Player rosters: At the top of the home page, there is a tab for "players". By clicking the tab, you can see the player page for every player on the Rangers roster, along with all their stats. The Rangers schedule is also there.

Blueshirt Banter Radio Live on the Internet: Blueshirt Banter was at the forefront for SBNation when it came to joining the internet radio revolution, and it has become a huge part of the success of this site. Every Tuesday and Wednesday night (Depending on the Rangers schedule) Eddie "The Mouth" Gieck and Jim take to the airwaves on Blog Talk Radio from 8:00 to 10 PM. Jim and Mouth talk Rangers hockey, interview guests, and take your phone calls. We've had guests like Emile Francis, Dave Maloney, Theo Fleury, and John Ogrodnick just to name a few. During the show we also have a live chat on the radio page, and the conversation is never dull in there. We hope you will join us. The Wednesday night show can be found on this page.

Also, every Monday night from 9-10, you can join Joe Fortunato for "Rink Side Radio", the official radio home for SBNation's From the Rink.

Open Game Threads: During every Rangers game, there is a live open thread if you want to chat with fellow Ranger fans. Usually at least one or two members of the Banter team are in there. Make sure you check it out the next time the Rangers play. The threads usually go live 30 minutes before the puck drops.

Share us on Facebook: Also at the bottom of every story, you will see a button to share the story on Facebook. If you like the story, share us!

"Re-tweet" us!: If you are on Twitter, you can click the "Re-tweet" button at the bottom of every story, and share it with your followers.

Follow us on Twitter: Your Blueshirt Banter team can all be followed on Twitter! Here is how to find our great team of writers:



@themanicranger-Ryan (tmranger)

@TheSchwab12-Rob (TheSchwab)

@byndblueshirts-Laurie Carr

@rangercrisis-Eddie "The Mouth" Gieck

@rangerstribune-Nick Montemagno

Also, if you follow any of us on Twitter, you can hunt and peck through our followers lists, and you will see that many of our great posters are on Twitter as well, like dbmaven and mleetch, just to name a couple.

Email us: At the bottom of the home page, you can email any one of us. If you have an idea for something you would like to see on the site, or if you have a comment, complaint, or compliment, let us know. This site is for all of us, we want all of you to be a part of it, and we really do value your input.

Conduct: Remember, we are all here for the same reason: because we love the New York Rangers. Let's treat each other with respect. Feel free to disagree with anyone's opinion, but do it respectfully. Remember there is a right way and a wrong way to talk to people. Quite honestly, some of spend a good portion of our day on this site, and we want to make it as enjoyable as it can be.

Trolls will pop in from time to time, best thing to do is ignore them, and let us deal with them. In most cases, ignoring the trolls will send them away. If you feel someone is trolling or spamming (which we have had some issues with lately), feel free to drop us an email.

Oh go ahead and register, you know you want to: If you've been lurking, join the conversation! We've got a great group of posters here, and we all love the Rangers just like you. Don't ever feel like you can't contribute to a conversation, we're all friends here.

So to our new members welcome, and to our old members, thank you!

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