Blueshirt Banter Needs Your Help!

The staff here at Blueshirt Banter is always tossing around ideas to help deliver top quality information.  One of the ideas we were tossing around is a possible application for Blackberries, iPhones, and iPads.  The process for this is surprisingly complicated, so before we go forth and start the development, we wanted to gauge the interest of you all first.

The premise of the application would be pushing udpates, via the application, to your mobile devices.  Information would include any new posts from here at the Banter, and any other updates from Rangers Tribune (Nick's site), Blue Seat Blogs (my site), Beyond the Blueshirts (Laurie's site), Ranger Crisis (Eddie's site), and any other site in the Banter network.  At the bottom is a poll, let us know if you're interested.

Also, most of us here aren't exactly what we would call skilled in Java programming.  All mobile device applications are coded in Java, so if anyone has any experience, please let us know (via email or in the comments).

Are you interested in a Blueshirt Banter Network mobile device application for your Blackberry, iPhone, or iPad?


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