Blueshirt Banter Site Update 4/17/24

Blueshirt Banter Site Update 4/17/24
Photo by Markus Winkler / Unsplash

Hey all,

As you may have noticed, we officially transitioned back to Ghost. I spoke a bit about why a few weeks ago (which you can view here) but I have more information for a deeper update now.

1) We're up and running on Ghost. It will look mostly the same, but you might notice a few visual things are different. So if it looks a little different, that's why.

2) One of those things is we lost about 10 days worth of content. I apologize for this, we thought we had worked out the dates to import it over but it seems like everything from 4/9-4/16 is lost to the ether. I am working with support to bring it back but I am not overly optimistic.

3) More importantly, new content! On The Road With Joe will be back permanently, this will be a feature available to all paying subscribers (either commenting tier or full access). In other news, I have wrangled Mr. Mike Murphy to do a new podcast with me – we're working on the cadence – that will be for Full Access subscribers only. More information on that one when it's available. We also have a new writer joining who will be providing some critical statistical analysis. Also more on that when I can officially announce.

4) It appears that the log in double verification – remember Ghost requires you to click that log in link the first time – is happening for Ghost but not for Hyvor. So that is good.

5) Annual subscriptions are back! If you are on monthly, you can upgrade to annual and save some money!

So welcome back to Blueshirt Banter and welcome back to Ghost!

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