Blueshirt Banter's Second Playoff Pick-em!

Okay, so we did this last year and it was a huge success, so we are bringing it back again!

Well now just because the Rangers are out of the playoffs doesn't mean you can't keep coming back here! And to ensure that you do we will be doing a little contest. A playoff pick-em!

Below you are going to see my picks for the first round. In the comments section you will put your picks for the first round. Comments will be closed at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, right before the first match-up.

So here is how it works.

You post which team you think is going to win and in how many games. You will do this for each round, we will have posts up (like this one) to let you know where to post your picks. It's kind of like a bracket, except we do it by round, so you will know who will be in the second round, and third and so on.

You will receive points based on two things. If you choose the correct team to win the series you get two points. If you choose the correct team in the correct number of games you get an additional 2 points. You get no points for guessing the wrong team but the right number of games.

(This was the example from last year so I will use it again) So for example: If you guessed the Capitals over the Rangers in 7 then you would get 4 points. If you guessed the Capitals over the Rangers in 5 you would get 2 points. If you guessed the Rangers over the Capitals in 7 you would get no points

At the end of each round we will tally up the points and deem a winner. The winner will get an additional 5 points added to their score. Then we will run through the same process in the second round, and the third, and then the finals. The bonus points are not accumulative, they are given to the winners of the round only.

The final winner will be the person with the most ACCUMULATED points over the four rounds. The 5 point bonus for winning the rounds are the only other bonus points that will be rewarded. If you enter the pick-em in the second round or later, you will simply start from zero points so make sure that doesn't happen to you!

The prize will be a T-shirt, and bragging rights (which I currently own)!

You want your name on the cup? Then do it!

Stanley Cup of Blueshirt Banter Playoff Pick-em's:

2008-2009: Joe Fortunato

My picks! (UPDATE: Guys had a hard drive issue last night, and my final edit didn't go through. The obvious change is LA and Vancouver (typo) and I'm giving Boston one more game. Just letting you know that the changes didn't come from nowhere.)

Washington over Montreal in 5

New Jersey over Philadelphia in 6

Buffalo over Boston in 5

Ottawa over Pittsburgh in 7

San Jose over Colorado in 5

Chicago over Nashville in 6

Phoenix over Detroit in 7

Vancouver over LA in 6

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