Brad Richards, Twitter,Tommy Lee...A Story That Can Only Happen In New York

For those of you who don't know New York Rangers' center Brad Richards is on twitter and while he is usually a pretty cool guy to follow, yesterday it seemed that Richards' twitter account was hacked by none other than Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee. You can follow the events on Brad's twitter page. As it turns out, Brad was staying in a New York hotel and forgot to log out of his twitter account before he left.

Now for the coincidence of the week, Motley Crue happened to be on a north eastern tour and were staying at the same hotel. Lee had the same computer as Richards and decided to have some harmless fun with the 31 year old center's twitter account and then proceeded to log out from Brad's account without messing with any of his personal settings.

And it looks like the Rangers gained yet another celebrity fan in Tommy Lee who will most likely be attending a Rangers game as a guest of the team and Brad Richards

Figured I should share with you guys the story, as something to discuss while waiting for any news on the Dynamic Duo

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