Could The All-Star Break Help Or Hurt The Rangers?
Most of the New York Rangers started their All-Star break following last night's 3-0 win over the Winnipeg Jets. The Rangers will also go into the break atop of the Eastern Conference with 66 total points. Now, the real question is, will this break effect the Rangers in a negative way, or a positive way?
Some of the players like Brad Richards, Derek Stepan, and Artem Anisimov have been in mini slumps over the last handful of games. However, Richards finally broke his with a goal last night assisted by Ryan Callahan. I believe the break for these players will definitely help clear the air, and make for a fresh start in the final stretch.
On the other hand, players like Henrik Lundqvist and Ryan Callahan, play better game by game. While it make seem like they will be taken off their game, I don't believe it will effect them one bit either. The Rangers have a great, focused group of guys that are ready at any given moment. Not to mention, this break will also help guys like Brian Boyle, Brandon Prust, and Mike Rupp heal up before they get back to action.
Overall, I think this break will help the Rangers get their minds together and give them time to heal and rest up. The stretch of games following the All-Star break will be the games that count, and the Rangers cannot afford to be off their game. What do you guys think?