Have You Subscribed to Blueshirts Monthly Yet?

It's easy, it's free, and it rounds out the Rangers coverage you get here at Blueshirt Banter.

I know that the majority of you have already subscribed to our free monthly newsletter but its a slow news day for the Rangers and I wanted to encourage you to give it a try if you haven't checked us out yet. Also, if you have already subscribed, please remember to go bother everyone you've ever known and coerce them to subscribe through whatever means necessary.

I bet you're asking, looking all handsome and thoughtful, removing a distinguished tobacco pipe from your mouth, "How does one subscribe to this monthly newsletter that costs me absolutely nothing?"

All you have to do to subscribe is send an email to blueshirtsmonthly@gmail.com with "Subscribe" in the subject line of your email. We'll take care of the rest!
When you subscribe you'll get all of our back issues (October and November) and you'll be receiving our December issue, which we're already hard at work putting together, at the end of this month. Just imagine enjoying Thanksgiving leftovers and getting to read even more Rangers coverage than what you already get from Blueshirt Banter... for free! Sounds like a pretty good deal, no? Certainly sounds better than having your house broken into by a ravenous puma and having it bury its teeth in your throat while you sleep tonight. I'm not saying that will happen to you if you don't subscribe but thus far none of our subscribers have been brutalized in their beds by mountain lions. Just saying.

I said that "we" are working hard at putting the December issue together but honestly Joe spends his weekends in abandoned warehouses putting money on monkey knife fights and Tony is probably rolling up his sleeves right now and putting pieces of a human body into a wood stove. Never look him in the eye. Please. For your own safety.

Feel free to treat this as your open thread for the day guys and gals. Please help us out by spreading the word about B-12 to your friends, family, pets, neighbors, roommates, lovers, children, and any mole people you may or may not be hiding from the American government. Also, if you can, please support our sponsors. Without them the newsletter isn't possible. Thank you for all the support you guys have already shown Joe, Tony, and myself. It means the world to us.

Oh and how about Bryzgalov signing with the Oilers, huh? The 2013-14 season just got that much more entertaining. I wonder how one young, talented team like Colorado is arguably the best team in the league and another young, talented team like Edmonton is struggling so much... could it be that Patrick Roy is that good of a coach? Hmm. Anyway, that is just some stuff for you guys to talk about if you'd like to. We can also talk about how dreamy Ryan Gosling is and, if you'd like, make fun of me for watching YouTube videos of soldiers coming home to their families and enjoying a good cry. I do it about once a month. Having a good cry is important you guys... what the hell am I writing here? Anyway, PLEASE subscribe and PLEASE tell everyone you know about Blueshirts Monthly. It will help us out tremendously.

Enjoy your Open Thread!

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<li><a href="http://www.blueshirtbanter.com/2013/11/7/5074284/derek-dorsett-and-the-role-of-the-agitator?utm_source=blueshirtbanter&utm_medium=nextclicks&utm_campaign=blogs">Derek Dorsett and the Role of the Agitator</a></li>

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