Do The New York Rangers Have The Best Uniforms In The NHL?

ESPN concluded their top 122 uniforms Friday, ranking their top 25. The New York Rangers were one of six NHL teams to make it into the final 25 -- the article was published in pieces, covering every uniform from the four major sports.

The Rangers came in at number 11, but they were the third best NHL selection. The Montreal Canadiens were actually the top-rated uniform, which is hard to argue agains. The Boston Bruins were the next NHL team, coming in at number five.

I'm glad ESPN recognized how classic, crisp and classy the Rangers' uniforms are. I would have loved to see the Rangers ranked higher -- call me a homer, but I'm not a huge fan of the Bruins' logo -- but I think this is a really cool thing ESPN did.

Which begs the question: What's your favorite NHL uniform. And if you pick the Rangers -- which I'm assuming many of you will -- what other uniforms do you like? Me? I'm a big fan of the Minnesota WIld's jerseys, I love the color scheme. I also love the classic "Minnesota" written across the chest in script.

So what about you guys? The floor is yours.

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