NHL Analysis: Who Is The NHL's Most Underrated Player?

Remember the recent poll taken of NHL players by ESPN Magazine that had Sean Avery listed as one of the most overrated players in the NHL? Well the hockey managers at SBNation started debating who the most underrated player is. We were all asked to choose a player from a team other than the one we cover, and there were many good choices. A few of us (myself included) picked Jamie Langenbrunner of the Devils, Rich Peverley of the Thrashers was another popular choice. Ryan Callahan was also named. So I thought I would open the debate to you guys. You can vote on some of the names that were discussed, or add your own to the thread.

If there is a Ranger you feel is underrated, feel free to post that as well.

Who is the NHL's most underrated player?

Jamie Langenbrunner-NJ Devils195
Rich Peverley-Atlanta Thrashers78
Brooks Laich-Washington Capitals227
Mike Knuble-Washington Capitals114
Someone Else (post your choice in the thread)241

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