NHL and NHLPA Ratify CBA and Return to Play Agreement

The NHL and NHL Players Association have officially approved, and ratified a new collective bargaining agreement, and the 2019-20 Return to Play Plan.

This week the NHLPA conducted a vote by a secret ballot, and it passed by an overwhelming majority.

This deal means that the league will have labor peace through the 2025-26 season, and the league can resume action in a few weeks as long as there aren’t any major complications due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some of the major elements of the new CBA include participation in the 2022 Beijing and 2026 Milan Cortina Winter Olympic Games, a cap on escrow, a 10% salary deferral for the 2020-21 season, and the outlawing of front-loaded contracts.

There are bound to be other tweaks spelled out in the CBA, but we will have to stay tuned until the document is officially made available.