NHL News and Notes: Back in the saddle edition

Morning everyone,

Back at it this morning after a nice week of R and R with the family. Thanks to Joe, Ryan, and Rob for keeping things going while I was away.

A few things going on this morning:

The NHLPA has voted to fire executive director Paul Kelly after only two years on the job. The players didn't like the direction he was taking them in, and apparently he was a little too chummy with NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman for the players' taste. (Full story from TSN)

Rangers Captain Chris Drury was enshrined in the Little League Hall of Excellence, pretty cool. The picture in this story is of Chris during his Little League days (Full story from Canadian Press)

The Toronto Maple Leafs and the NHL are at odds over territorial rights, should the "Blackberry Pie King" want to move the Coyotes to Ontario. (Full story from The Globe and Mail)

You guys probably all know Jim Cerny, he covers the Rangers on Rangers.com. Well Jim has launched an NHL blog of his own, check it out when you have time. (Jim Cerny's Rink Rap)

Jim will be joining us sometime in the next few weeks on Blueshirt Banter Radio to talk some Ranger hockey and take your phone calls.

Finally, a programming note for Blueshirt Banter Radio: After consulting the Rangers 2009-2010 schedule, we realized that having a Wednesday night show just wasn't feasible, it will conflict with too many games. So beginning on September 15th, Blueshirt Banter Radio will move to Tuesday nights at 7 PM. The Rangers have the fewest games on Tuesday nights, so we figured that was the best way to go. What we will do on Tuesdays where the Rangers have a game has yet to be decided.

Just to give you the upcoming schedule for September:

Wednesday September 2nd: 7-9 PM

Wednesday September 9th: 7-9 PM (we will be joined by Jess Rubenstein of The Prospect Park)

Monday September 14th: 7-9 PM (hopefully Jim Cerny will join us for this show)

Tuesday September 22nd: 7-9 PM

Tuesday September 29th: 7-9 PM

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