NHL News: Fredrik Sjostrom signs with the Calgary Flames

Shortly after the news broke about the Rangers signing Marian Gaborik, word came down that speedster Freddie Sjostrom had agreed to a 2 year deal with the Flames for $750K per year. After speculating on our radio show that the Rangers may just be waiting to determine the market value for a player like Sjostrom, it looks like he figured it out on his own. I really thought he would sign for more than this.

I was a big fan of Sjostrom's, I think the Rangers are going to miss his speed. While the Gomez trade was definitely a good thing for the Rangers, now coupled with the loss of Sjostrom, the Rangers have probably lost their two fastest skaters.

Good luck Freddie, you'll be missed.

Make sure to check in with Matchsticks and Gasoline, the SBNation blog on the Calgary Flames for more information.

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