Rangers News: Marc Staal misses team Canada cut

Team Canada released its roster today, NHL.com has a story on it here. Ranger fans will notice that there is no Marc Staal. Over the summer there was talk that Eric Staal, Jordan Staal and Marc Staal would all make the team, but only Eric made the cut.

Depending on who you are Marc Staal missing the cut is good or bad news. On one hand the Rangers top-flight defenseman will not have the added stress of having to play extra games of hockey in Vancouver; which would hopefully leave him more fresh for the rest of the season.

On the other hand playing in the Olympics would give Staalsome serious high pressure experience that the first two rounds of the playoffs simply don't have. If you don't think that the players take the Olympics seriously then you are insane. It's the fans that really build the pressure, even Henrik Lundqvist said that it's like putting the entire country on your back. The experience would be invaluable.

What do you all think? Good or bad?

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