Rangers Unveil New Alternate Jersey

For the first time in close to a decade, the Rangers will have a new alternate jersey option outside of the NHL’s recent “Reverse Retro” series.

Pictures of these jersey’s leaked on social media earlier this year so there’s already been plenty of opinions floating around on the Blueshirts new look. The main critique seems to be the Rangers opting to use their same shield logo on the front of the sweater instead of changing it up with something new. Another common complaint is the lack of color surrounding the collar area as the jersey is quite Navy Blue heavy.

If you take a look at alternate jersey’s the Rangers have worn in the past, most of them have had that similar style of lettering going diagonal across the front, reading “New York” instead of the traditional “Rangers”. During the 2012 Winter Classic, the Rangers changed it up, dawning a retro take on the traditional shield on an off-white jersey.  Aside from that, the Rangers have had their two modern takes on the Lady Liberty look with the NHL’s Reverse Retro series the last two seasons. So while the logo itself is far from original, at least they did try something new by placing it on the front of the sweater.

Personally, I think the new jersey’s came out really cool and are going to look awesome in an outdoor setting. I like how they bear resemblance to the Rangers Alternates from 2014 and I
don’t mind all the stripes on the sleeves. However, I do agree with those wishing they did something to spruce up the main logo on the front of the sweater, even if it was just recycling the look from the 2012 Winter Classic or the Lady Liberty eras.

According to the team’s official website, the Rangers will wear their new alternates for a total of 10 games. None of which are the 2024 Stadium Series game against the Islanders, meaning we should expect to see a different jersey for their one outdoor game this season.

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