Rangers Vs. Blue Jackets: Open Game Thread

This is your open game thread.

I'm going to repeat this every game thread until you all do what you're supposed to.

1) Thanks for being here, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with top-to-bottom quality New York Rangers content across all mediums. Consider liking us on Facebook, and following us on Twitter (handles below):

@Blueshirtbanter -- the new official handle for the website
@JoeFortunatoBSB -- me, Joe Fortunato.
@DigdeepBSB -- Mike Murphy
@BethMachlan -- Beth Machlan
@Kpower90 -- Kevin Powers
@HayyyShayyy -- Shayna
@AdamZHerman -- Adam Herman
@TomUrtzJr -- Tom Urtz Jr.
@Katpeogh -- Pat
@Realallinhockey -- Scott
@JackMcKenna -- Jack

2) Remember to subscribe to the podcast (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or Blog Talk Radio directly). Leave us a five-star rating, a nice comment, and tell your friends. It goes a long way to spreading the show and we're very thankful for all the support.

3) If you are able, please donate to the Patreon for the podcast. We've worked really hard to get the show up and running, and we've been investing the donation dollars back into the show's equipment to make it a better experience for you. It also helps put a little money in our pocket. Even if you just enjoy the website, anything helps (if you can).

OK enjoy the game you fools.

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