Rangers Vs. Hurricanes: Open Game Thread
Use this as your open game thread.
Some general notes I like to remind you all about.
1) Thanks for being here, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with top-to-bottom quality New York Rangers content across all mediums. Consider liking us on Facebook, and following us on Twitter (handles below):
@Blueshirtbanter -- the new official handle for the website
@JoeFortunatoBSB -- me, Joe Fortunato.
@DigdeepBSB -- Mike Murphy
@BethMachlan -- Beth Machlan
@Kpower90 -- Kevin Powers
@HayyyShayyy -- Shayna
@AdamZHerman -- Adam Herman
@TomUrtzJr -- Tom Urtz Jr.
@Katpeogh -- Pat
@Realallinhockey -- Scott
@JackMcKenna -- Jack
Be kind to one another. Enjoy the game.