SBNation New York Is Up and Running!

In an effort to branch out with more regional coverage, SBNation is in the process of launching "city sites", and there is Sbn-regionals-bgno place better to start than with the Greatest City In the World, New York.

Go take a look at SBNation New York, it's being run by Ed Valentine from Big Blue View, and our own Joe Fortunato will be a contributor. They'll have coverage of all the NY teams, even the Islanders and Jets!

Other cities have been launched as well, Boston, Phoenix, DC, Chicago, and Detroit, and more will follow.

Also, if you are going to be in the Big Apple Wednesday night, get on over to the Ainsworth on West 26th near Broadway for the SBNation Meetup.

Head on over to the SB NY site, let's give them a strong turnout from the Banter!

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