Some Updates!

Hey guys just a few quick announcements I want to make.

Firstly on New York Tonight (from 9-10 tonight) I will be having on my good friend Jeremy Schilling to talk some Jets football. He runs, a nifty little blog on everything from James Taylor to Tiger Woods. Make sure to give him a visit for me.

Also I have been invited to join the "dream team" for From the Rink. As some of you may know James Mirtle has gone on to bigger and better things so his shoes needed filling on his popular website and Mike Chen was there to take over. The rest of the "dream team" is:

Cory from Canes Country

Bob from Canes Country

Joe from Blueshirt Banter

Frank from Pensburgh

That's not a bad starting lineup, if I do say so myself, and you might see a roster tweak or two in the coming weeks. And don't worry that it's east-coast heavy; this will be a hockey site in the truest sense, without a particular focus on region or team. Hopefully, the content will speak for itself in the coming weeks.

Anyway I really hope you guys mosey on over, this was a fantastic opportunity for me and we hope to provide all of you with the same type of incite and analysis you were used to from Mr. Mirtle. And no my role here will not change at all, Blushirt Banter is still a priority.

So hope to see you all at the radio show and hope to see you all at From the Rink! Thanks!

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