Submit your questions for Bobby Sanguinetti

Hi guys, I was able to make contact with Bobby Sanguinetti a few days ago, and I asked him if he would be interested in doing an interview for our site. He was nice enough to get back to me, but he needs permission from the Rangers to do so. Bobby was nice enough to point me in the right direction.

I've made the necessary contacts, but seeing as how we are a new site, I was told it would probably be best if I submit a list of the questions we're going to ask Bobby.

So, I thought it would be fun if we got everyone involved in this. Everyone feel free to post your questions for Bobby in the thread, we'll take the best ones and submit them to the Rangers on Monday morning. Then after that, its up the organization. But it's the first step towards improving our relationship with the team, and giving you another reason to make Blueshirt Banter part of your daily read.

Ok guys, let's hear your questions!

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