Sunday Open Thread: Stanley Cup Finals, Dale Weise, Baseball, Hot Dogs

Open thread for today, feel free to use it for whatever you want. Game 5 tonight in Chicago, and I think most of us if not all of us are hoping the Blackhawks get back on track. Here are a few links for you to check out today:

Dan McNeil of the Chicago Tribune took in Game 3 of the Finals at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, and did not come away with a good impression of the "City of Brotherly Love" (Thanks to Russ Cohen at "100 Ranger Greats" for the link)

Greg Caggiano did an interview with Ranger prospect Dale Weise. Eddie and I also interviewed Weise back in December on Blueshirt Banter Radio, you can click the link to hear it.

For the latest on the Hawks, check out Second City Hockey

Broad Street Hockey has the scoop on the Flyers

As for me, I'm taking my daughter to her first baseball game today, Rockies at Diamondbacks. If she makes it through the whole game, she can go on the field and run the bases. Right now she is just excited to have a hot dog and popcorn. Oh to be three again.

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