Thank You

to Joe and Mike

While Joe is still waiting for Ernst & Young to tabulate the figures for the 2016 Bantie Awards, which celebrate the outstanding posters of the year, I just wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the two men who are the true heart and soul of Blueshirt Banter. While the site couldn’t run without the contributions of people such as Adam, Beth, Bryan, Jack, Wolfer, Kevin and Connor (sorry if I forgot anyone), and our myriad family of posters, Joe Fortunato and Mike Murphy make it their solemn duty to keep us informed and protect the site from anarchy while we hang out and bitch about the Rangers.

Joe was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. The doctor still doesn’t know how it got there. He was a good student in school, even though he struggled in his English as a Second Language class. Joe’s father passed down his love of the Rangers, leading to a life-long obsession. Joe doesn’t actually watch the games; he’s just obsessed with them. And then he writes about it. When he’s not penning articles about the Rangers, Joe can be seen struggling with his croaswurd puzle buuks.

Mike “Digger” Murphy. I can finally reveal his deepest, darkest secret.: his birth name is Thendeearn Draxlewizzle and he was raised in the Wildhammer clan of the Twilight Highlands. After moving to New Jersey Thendeern, uh, I mean Mike, showed an exceptional aptitude for imagination and writing, as well as a high threshold for pain and suffering, which made him a perfect blogger for the Rangers. Besides writing, Mike enjoys crocheting and raising wildebeests in his spare time.

From the most obsessive poster to the occasional lurker, Blueshirt Banter is a great place to learn the latest news, share the games with fellow fans, and just generally banter, bullshit and bitch. Thank you Joe and Mike for running the best Rangers blog around.

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