The Labatt Blue Light Refreshment Duo Wants to Party With You!

The Blue Light Refreshment Duo is throwing a Winter Party, and they want you to be there with them. This is your opportunity for you and a friend (I recommend an ugly friend, makes you look better) to party with the Duo up at their headquarters:

Don't know if you've heard about the new Blue Light Refreshment Duo but they're two beautiful women, in skin-tight snowsuits who - whenever good times are threatened - pretty much just show up on a snowmobile and save the day.

Anyway, we hear that sometimes they get a little lonely up at their Headquarters, so they're throwing a massive party.  It's basically a huge jam where you rock the snowy outdoors by day and party by night... and they're hoping that you can join them.  And don't worry - there will be enough Blue Light Girls for everyone.

Just go to their site at to find out more about how to enter to win a ticket for you and a friend.  The site is pretty cool; you can play games, watch their videos and send your friends a personalized message from the Duo.

All you gotta do is be one of the lucky 100 people to find the right secret PIN in specially marked cases of Labatt's Blue Light Beer. Think of it as Willy Wonka's "Golden Ticket" for grown-ups.

Here is a video about the Refreshment Duo you will enjoy:

This post sponsored by Labatt

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