Vote Now for the SBNation NY Top Stories for 2010

Although our Rangers were left off this list, (Jeez, not even a perfunctory mention of the Rangers season coming down to a shootout last year? I know its not a top story but throw us a bone Ed!) now is your chance to visit SBNation NY and vote. I mean really, no Rangers, but the Nets are on the list? The Nets? The Rangers have won as many games this season as the Nets have for ALL OF 2010!!!! The Nets????

Ugh, such is the life of a hockey fan.

All kidding aside, go rock the vote, or whatever it is they say on MTV. Ed and the guys (including The Great Joe Fortunato) do a great job there.

SBNation NY Top 5 Sports Stories for 2010

The Nets?

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